Community Outreach Programs
Window on Nature
Our longstanding live speaker series on topics of interest to all who love birds and the outdoors.
Feed the Feeders
Prescott Audubon supplies birdseed and feeders to senior centers and rehab facilities in our Chapter area.
Field Trips
We offer birding field trips to anyone interested in celebrating birds and the world we share.
Youth Programs
We support teachers, summer camps, and after-school programs that encourage young birders.
Enhancing Birding Opportunities in the City of Prescott
Over the years, we have worked with Prescott City to improve access to and enhance birding sites on City property, from Stricklin Park to Willow and Watson Lakes to the new Granite Creek Park improvements.
Supporting Our Partners
We always support our "natural" partners, local organizations who share our interests and concerns. Our partners include Prescott Creeks, Friends of the Verde River, Citizen's Water Advocacy Group (CWAG), Friends of the Bill Williams River & Havasu Refuges and AZFO.