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Get Involved in These Ongoing Projects!

Habitat Improvement Initiatives

We work with the City of Prescott to improve bird habitat and birder access on properties owned by the City: 
**Upkeep of Stricklin Park, our "adopted" city natural area  
**Birder access to Prescott Wastewater Treatment Ponds 
**Establishing a Nature Preserve along Willow Lake's west side. 

Wood Duck Nest Box Program

We provide nest boxes for Wood Ducks along Granite Creek. This spring Wood Ducks nested again in two boxes that have been used regularly for the last few years. The ducklings are not banded since they leave the box within 24 hours of hatching.

Christmas Bird Counts

These counts are a great way to learn about birds in our Chapter's region, to meet other birders, and to contribute to worldwide data about wintering bird species' numbers and distribution. 
We will provide a link to our teams and the team leaders so you can join in this coming December.