What's an Audubon???
Essentially, we are all folks interested in celebrating birds and the world we share. The name "Audubon" has been around since the first Audubon birding chapter began in 1886. From that time to now, the many Audubon chapters form a nationwide grassroots network dedicated to protecting birds and enjoying the fellowship of all who appreciate the outdoors and nature.
Meet Our Flock
We are all volunteers here at PAS, and we share all the jobs and the fellowship. With this model, we accomplish much, especially for being a small Audubon Chapter. Everyone fits in as they can. It's a flock, for sure.
Our Mission and Vision
We help birds and each other through preserving bird habitat, education programs and scholarships, and community outreach.
Bird News
Sharing bits of current news, thoughts, and just calling out what's on our mind today.
And, of course, our Bird of the Month. This month: Ferruginous Hawk