Upcoming Field Trips and Surveys

Let's go birding! Our field trips are generally free and open to the public. If driving is required, we will try to carpool using participants’ vehicles. We do ask passengers to reimburse the driver at a rate of $.15 (15 cents) per mile, to be split between all passengers in the vehicle. Bring binoculars, comfortable walking shoes and gear, and all the water and snacks you will need. 
To manage the group size on some of our trips, we ask that you sign up in advance.  Just hit the "Register Here" button to contact the trip leader for details, start time, carpooling, etc.
Please provide your cell number. 

Watson Woods Monthly Bird Walk

December/January - no walk
February 1, 9:00 a.m.
March 1, 8:30 a.m.
April 5, 8:00 a.m.
May 3, 8:00 a.m.
June 7, 7:30 a.m.
July 5, 7:00 a.m.
August 2, 7:30 a.m.
September 6, 7:30 a.m.
October 4, 8:00 a.m.
November 1, 9:00 a.m.
This will be our last walk of 2025
We begin again on February 7,  2026, at 9:00 a.m. 

On the first Saturday of the month, we lead bird walks in Watson Woods, one of our favorite Prescott birding sites! The walks are approximately 2 hours long and are open to birders of all ages and levels. Experienced Prescott Audubon birders lead these outings. This is a great way to get acquainted with birds and birding or to improve your skills. Meet at the Peavine Trailhead parking area on Sundog Ranch Rd. (GPS: 34.57542; -112.42723; fee $3/vehicle). No registration required; everyone is welcome.
**We begin promptly at the listed start time**

This cardinal was perched on the branch outside my window while the snow was falling. I like how the flakes of snow adds interest to the image.

Start Your 2025 Bird List Today!  

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

This has been a popular field trip for several years now, when weather permits. We will bird the most productive spots around Prescott, starting at a sensible 9 AM. We try to be done by noon, but some of us continue into the afternoon if the birding is good. (Bring your lunch.)  Limit 8.  To register and for details, contact [email protected] .

Waterfowl Workshop
The Lookout  

Friday, January 17, 2025

Brush-up on identifying field marks for the wintering waterfowl at local area lakes with this waterfowl identification workshop. The session will be held at The Lookout conference room from 3-4:30 to prepare for field session at Watson Lake. Limit 12. To register and for details contact [email protected].

Mallards on lake.
Mallards on lake.

Waterfowl Field Session
Watson Lake  

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Bring your scopes and binoculars for observing the winter waterfowl visitors at Watson Lake, apply the identification skills presented from the workshop. Limit 12. To register and for details contact [email protected].

Gilbert Water Ranch  

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

We'll begin at 6 a.m. and head downhill to warmer climes to the finest urban wetland in the state, the Riparian Preserve (aka the Water Ranch) in Gilbert. Here you can find wintering shorebirds, warblers, hummers, and often a rarity or two. Limit flexible, depends on number of drivers. To register and for details contact [email protected]

A yellow-rumped warbler perched on a branch.
We saw this hawk at the Robinson Nature Center in Maryland. He had a critical injury that would no longer allow him to fly, so he does time now as an ambassador animal there.

Badger Springs/Agua Fria  

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Less than an hour from Prescott, the Badger Springs trail follows a wash down to the Agua Fria River canyon. The gravel trail, about a mile one-way, is uneven footing and may be wet or muddy. The habitat ranges from chaparral to cottonwood-willow to saguaros, and we expect to see a variety of sparrows (including towhees), raptors and woodpeckers. We may find some early migrants as well. This will be a full morning and participants may wish to bring a lunch. Limit 8. To register and for details, contact [email protected]

Rockin' River Ranch State Park Areas  

Friday, April 18, 2025

Join us as we venture to Arizona's newest State Park. At Rockin' River Ranch we'll meander along the Verde River to look for feathered spring arrivals, as well as migrants passing through and residents of the Verde Valley. For those who would like to stay a bit after birding, we'll plan on picnicking at the park. Limit 12. To register and for details contact [email protected].

Carolina Wren singing his little heart out
A long-billed thrasher.

Willow Lake North Shore & White Dot Trails  

Saturday, April 26, 2025

Explore the north side of Willow Lake on the Approach and white-dot Basin Trails. This is a 1.7 mile hike through a variety of habitats: chaparral, pines, oaks and manzanita with a quick detour to view Willow Lake, and could take 3 hours. Participants should be comfortable hiking on uneven surfaces and short steep slickrock sections. We hope to find Crissal Thrashers and spring migrants. Limit 8. To register and for details, contact [email protected].

Upper Verde River Surveys

IBA Surveys

These ongoing surveys document changes in bird populations over time in this riparian habitat east of Paulden. The data contribute to the Audubon Southwest IBA database and help to preserve the IBA status of this beautiful area. The survey transects include off-trail walking over somewhat difficult terrain. 

Yellow-Billed Cuckoo Surveys

These surveys are a chance to help document the presence of a threatened species in this riparian habitat east of Paulden. The survey transects include off-trail walking over somewhat difficult terrain. The weather will likely be hot and will include a chance of thunderstorms. 

Surveys - Click Here to Register

Bird Walks by The Lookout 

Walks in the Prescott region
sponsored by one of our local birding shops (formerly Jay's Bird Barn)