Window on Nature
Our live speaker program
We now offer our Window on Nature (WoN) programs at our new venue, the Natural History Institute on 126 N Marina Street, downtown Prescott. As ever, we are happy to offer this event free to our entire community!
All Window on Nature programs begin with a half-hour meet-and-greet at 6:30 PM. The talks begin at 7PM.
Our next program will be on Tuesday, March 18, details below.
Also, mark your calendars for our entire WoN program schedule!
Our March 18th Program:
Prescott Audubon's Kestrel Nestbox Program
by Cathy Wills & Kurt Baden
Cathy and Kurt are the volunteer managers of our Nest Box Monitoring Program for the American Kestrel. This stunning raptor is North Americaβs smallest and most abundant falcon. Continent-wide, it has declined in numbers by nearly half since the 1960s. In 2017, Prescott Audubon Society joined many Audubon chapters and other organizations with
the singular purpose of gathering data to help identify the causes of kestrel decline
and keep this common species common.
Cathy and Kurt will present the status of the program and its future initiatives. Individuals interested in erecting and monitoring nest boxes are especially encouraged to attend.
Below: kestrel siblings successfully leg-banded and fledged from a Prescott-area nest box
Missed a Program?
Find Videos of Our Programs on YouTube
Our recent programs cover a broad variety of topics of interest to birders and naturalists. Birds in art... butterflies... bird travel... bird ID...water management in Prescott... so much to learn and enjoy! Just click on the link below to view a meeting that you missed or
that you want to watch again.
Saturday, April 19:
Granite Creek Clean-Up
Sponsored by our partner organization, Prescott Creeks, this event is a long-running community-wide contribution to cleaner waters in Prescott. Audubon has had a clean-up team for the past few years. If you are interested in joining the PAS team, just email via the link below, [email protected] . Participants receive a free t-shirt and our watershed always looks so great after the clean-up. And while picking up trash you hear and sometimes see birdsπ.